What families and hospitals are saying…

“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Woodard,

Thank you for your donation of LED Bluetooth disco speakers to Scottish Rite for Children. As we begin another exciting new year, our staff and volunteers remain committed to our mission of making children’s lives better and their futures brighter in a cheerful, child-friendly environment. Kind gifts like yours certainly help make it possible.  

2023 was another great year for us, as we met more amazing friends in Dallas and Frisco and were able to help more children than ever before through more than 75,000 clinic visits! Because of your wonderful support, we will continue providing our special brand of world class care to children regardless of any family’s ability to pay. Thanks again for thinking of our patients in this special way. We appreciate you!

Wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2024.

— Stephanie Brigger, CFRE Vice President, Development Scottish Rite For Children